Friday, May 18, 2012

Amazon Vegetation, Geomorphology [GIS Data]

Recently I needed GIS data for the Amazon and after some searching I have a few sites that may help. These include hydrography, geomorphology, soil, and vegetation maps. Coverage is of course limited to Brazil, but this is an excellent start to any project. (Data is from IBGE--Brazil's Geography and Statistics Agency)
1. Check out the link here.
2. Select 'mapas_interativos'
3. Download datasets

All files are in ESRI shape format and include projection. The Amazonia file (~36 mb, compressed) includes all datasets for the region including hydrology (both polygons and lines, seasonal and year-round waterbodies).

Monday, April 30, 2012

GIS Tools for Automatic Channel Bathymetry

ESRI just posted this ArcGIS add-on from Purdue. This should make HEC-RAS more accessible and help create more accurate maps of large rivers.